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Sunday, November 12, 2006

How To Get ALL Candidates To Remove Their Signs Immediately!

They say there's more than one way to skin a cat. Well let's think of this as the "Albero Bronx Way."

My suggestion is, each person reading this Post can head out ASAP and start picking up only the signs you want. When you've collected a ton of them, wait till December 3rd and start putting them up again!

I believe the fine is $50.00 per sign and this will get these people off their rear ends if they want to save themselves a ton of money! They look horrible and the elections are over.

Maybe the City/County can offer a reward for each sign collected? It could help the local homeless collect a few bucks for themselves as well?

Heck, everyone reading this Blog Site knows darned well we'll be out on the road looking for any signs left over, so they better get on the ball soon.

You know what we say, you either love me or you hate me. The idea is lovable, the fines are not. My guess is that you'll see Alessi/Ollinger going out in rain gear today picking up Charles Jannace Signs.

Please check with your Local Police and see if there's any laws against this first. :-)

Welcome To The Salisbury Zoo

Come with me little boys and girls.

If some of the Zookeepers didn't dress like this they might actually find stuff like this offensive!

However, they say and do nothing and the children are subjected to stuff like this every day.

Before you make any "cracks" Jimbo, I didn't take the picture.

Highway Robbery!

Just take a look at the prices for this junk! A small soda cost a mere $2.00?

Get This! For the Hospitality Suite where they feed the Judges lunch, are you ready? $28.00 a plate!

These are just some very small reasons why I still think this Show should be moved to Ocean City. We'll not get into Hotel rates and other taxes the City of Salisbury is slamming everyone with while visiting.

Local Judge Cathy Williams Knows Her Stuff!

It turns out the show dog Cathy Williams chose while Judging is the exact dog that took the Show yesterday. That says a lot about just how good a job she did. She's got the eye!