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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

County Executive Update

Ron Alessi has just called and CONCEDED the race to Rick Pollitt!

Graffiti On A Roll

The City of Salisbury is now importing their graffiti in the hopes the terrorists living locally can learn better artistical patterns we can all be more proud of. This train car is within a mile of the City Government Building.

I thought I left the Bronx?

Did Someone Order New Carpet?

This is a scene coming from the County/City Government Building area. Could the Taxpayers of Salisbury be buying new carpeting they weren't aware of? It didn't look that bad to me and I'm in those buildings fairly regularly. I've never seen a hole in the carpet and that's when it's time to replace it.

Oh, that's right, maybe the cleaning crew makes those decisions now?

Down The Final Stretch

The Politicians were out in droves today, yet some seemed to be missing? Now I couldn't be everywhere so far but I've certainly tried. Some Candidates respected the distance rule and others seemed to close in as close as they could to that fine line. From what I was told by Voters inside, they weren't too happy at all with those Candidates who were so close to them walking in the door and attempting to cast their votes. We'll see what the results bring?

Inspector Randy Taylor Makes His Rounds Getting Into Everyone's Business

Can someone tell me what Randy Taylor is doing on this particular property? Maybe he's looking for Lady Stardust?

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Where's the Meter Lady today? It clearly states, NO PARKING!!!!!

What In The Heck Is Going On Here?

Here you have a road traveling through the City of Salisbury being painted by a company from Jamaica, New York? Who's in charge of this stupidity?

Last Night's Work Session Attendance Proves The Citizens Of Salisbury Couldn't Give A Damn About Their City

The ONLY citizens in attendance last night were Linda Kent and Terry Cohen. We all know why they were there as they were discussing the PDD at the Old Mall.

However, it truly makes me wonder just how many people will show up at the Polls. Even The Daily Times put what I thought was a major plug on the front page of yesterday's paper mentioning this meeting and still no one showed up.

Nevertheless, getting down to business on this meeting, there was a MAJOR SCAM in the making last night and I caught it. I waited till this morning to post anything as I truly expected Bill Duvall to be all over this one but that just didn't happen.

Ladies & Gentlemen, let's talk about Sassafras Meadows and Westwood. This property was originally applied for as a Low Income Census Track for Affordable Sr. Housing. THIS IS HOW AND WHY THE COUNTY ALLOWED THIS PROPERTY TO BE POSSIBLY ANNEXED INTO THE CITY! It is no longer considered a low income track, therefore the State has backed away from special financing and more than likely there will NEVER be any affordable Sr. Housing on this project.

Now keep in mind, in the past, Osprey, (the developer) stated they were going to build this beautiful project but they were only going to have six units available for Low Income Sr. Housing. Think about that for just a minute. Do you realize just how many people we personally know that could use a home in that project? It's FAR more than six people!

Then if you were to think about the hundreds of acres back there in which the City was also sold a bill of goods by Tom Ruark as he was also supposed to build 276 Affordable Senior Houses there, he too has nixed that idea as he's making a small fortune building homes, selling off lots to other builders and not fulfilling his agreement with the City as well!

Now they get water and sewer already run to this property and no one has come through with the original agreement to make this affordable for so many needy people in this community and they're getting away with it?????

Shanie Shields, SHAME ON YOU! You were brought onto the Council to help make the right decisions for areas like this and you're falling asleep at the wheel. You will be voted out immediately the next go around because you've screwed those people that depended on you. Your vote is extremely important and you're letting this scam continue for what was hoped to be only 6 units?

Now that project is a failure too and will NOT be developed, but they tried not mentioning that at all last night until I caught Debbie Campbell mention it. John Pick agreed, it's a failure with this new change as the project is no longer considered part of the Census Track for low income.

My guess is that Westwood and the development of Tom Ruark has driven the value of this land through the roof and the State Government saw right through the scam and backed away immediately.

Now don't let this Mayor and Council come to all of you and make it look as if it was the State's fault this fell apart! You have NOW been educated as to why. You are also educated as to why the water and sewer were nothing less than a scam on Mike Dunn's behalf to create an incredible value for he and his family.

I want to know the following immediately. How much are the residents paying right now in Sassafras for water and sewer? Is it the 150% to 200% more than normal annexed properties within the City Limits? If it is not, there's yet ANOTHER major scam in the making Folks! This goes for Westwood as well. This could become a massive class action lawsuit for those people who have been paying the price for water and sewer outside the City.

You see Mike Dunn, you just keep playing with me and this is what's going to come back to haunt you in the end! Last night the man started picking on me once again for taking pictures and told me once again to SIT DOWN! Mike, I have the Daily Times reporter on video tape regularly walking around and taking pictures. I have that very same right. Keep pushing my buttons and you'll find yourself in a heap of trouble down the road.

My guess when all is said and done, there will not be one Sr. Affordable Low Income Houses/Residence on any of that property. It's time the Citizens of Salisbury stop these people in their tracks. Enough is enough!

Westwood Goes Up In Smoke

Within a 1 mile stretch yesterday I was able to capture three stories on Rt. 50 and the Bypass. This makes the third story, (short story, that is) where they are clearing out the trees and making way for more construction.

Were "all" of you aware that if you are receiving City Sewer or Water and you are not annexed into the City you are forced to pay 150% to 200% higher rates than someone living in the City Limits?

It's no wonder Mike Dunn didn't recuse himself from the discussions about Sassafras last night and illegally pushed forward to get the annexation moved forward, right in front of Paul Wilber too! IMO, Paul Wilber should be terminated/fired immediately for allowing that meeting to even happen. More on that later......

Gannett Does The Unbelievable Out Of Desperation

Go here: Gannett looking to "citizen journalism" to reverse trend, http://www.wboc.com/Global/story.asp?S=5643204

We broke this story weeks ago and updated it just the other day. Looks like The Daily Times is toast.