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Saturday, October 07, 2006

I Welcome DICK'S

Obviously Barrie Tilghman and her Flying Monkeys have allowed the new Sporting Goods Store DICK'S into the Salisbury area to ultimately put Gander Mountain out of business.

There's only so much one area can support and with the economy dropping faster than a speeding bullet, one of these two stores won't survive. Does Barrie care? Heck no! She just wants the tax dollars because she doesn't own the real estate these businesses sit on. I must admit though, they are survival stores.

I hope Gander Mountain survives, that's all.

Shumaker Park 12:00 TODAY!

Come meet Charles Jannace at Shumaker Park and enjoy FREE Hot Dogs and Soda. Yard signs will be available as well as DIRECT answers to your questions. We guarantee each and every question will be answered directly and not fluffy, sounds good answers. It may be raining today but we'll be under cover and serving you, the Public. We look forward to meeting you.

Downtown Plaza Gets Shut Down Every Day

I'd love to know what Jackass made all the decisions on the Downtown Plaza? Let's see, there are two crews that come into the Plaza each and every day, shut it down completely simply to water the plants. Talk about a stupid idea!

First of all, it's supposed to be up to the merchants to care for the plants but Barrie must spent taxpayer money to have some 4 men come in there, block off the road and water plants. God Forbid your car happens to be in one of those retarded parking metered spots, you're stuck there till these boys are done!

There are supposed to be numerous entrances to the Plaza in which Barrie and the City Council continue to ignore yet they keep selling you people on spending more and more money on the Plaza while no one can access it? You have a Mayor that knows nothing about running a business. It's time for a change.

The Old Mall

I wonder when The Daily Times is going to get around to cleaning up their own trash at the Old Salisbury Mall? It does say GANNETT upside down on that post, doesn't it?

Sometimes Pipestem Annexations Go Bad

Will any of YOU be there Monday or Tuesday night when they decide on the Sassafras Annexation?

Just remember, the State of Maryland says it's against the law to do what the City is planning on doing. Do I hear another lawsuit in the making?