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Friday, October 06, 2006

RED NET ALERT! State Police Officer Shoots Man In Arm After Suspect Tried Running Over A Salisbury Police Officer In Hurlock

State Trooper Kenny Moore assigned to the Drug Enforcement Special Task Force shot a man in the arm this evening in Hurlock after he tried backing up and hitting another Special Drug Task Force Officer, (Officer Ingles) from the Salisbury Police Department.

Trooper Moore will be placed on administrative leave until an internal investigation is completed and Officer Ingles has some bruises but he is fine.

The shooting was a "through and through" shooting in and out of the suspects arm. Trooper Moore used to be with the Wicomico County Sheriffs Department. Thanks for kicking some ass guys and taking another scumbag off the streets.

An E-Mail I Received Worth Posting

To All:

As you know this year the voters of Wicomico Co. will elect its first ever County Executive. The primary race for this position was a heated one. On the Democratic side, Rick Pollitt easily won. On the Republican side only a few votes separated the two candidates.

B.J. Corbin arrived on the scene very late to campaign against Ron Alessi. B.J. put forth a strong campaign answering questions on all the issues. Ron Alessi on the other hand ran a "name recognition" campaign and relied strongly on the puppet strings of "hidden agenda politicos" within the local Republican Central Committee. Unfortunately, the name recognition policy prevailed. However it should be noted that Mr. Corbin literally came from behind with a strong, forward, honest and truthful campaign that lost by less votes than what it take to fill any local restaurant.

Now there is a new candidate in the race. After Mr. Corbin conceded the primary election one of his biggest supporters took up the cause. Mr. Charles Jannace registered as a write in candidate to run on the republican ticket against Ron Alessi.

Mr. Jannance, like Mr. Corbin has solid answers for the problems facing Wicomico Co. He has not been afraid to publicly air his solutions and has placed his platform planks on his webpage. (see below) Mr. Jannace has invited Mr. Alessi and Mr. Pollitt to debate at any time. Neither have given an answer.

When the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce Young Professional Committee held a Candidates' forum that supposed to be open the public, many people were turned away by Mr. Alessi's puppeteers.

When PACE (Public Affairs & Civic Engagement) of Salisbury University held a debate on Oct. 3, 2006, Mr. Jannace was excluded from participating. The reason given was that as a write in candidate he did not meet the criteria set down in the rules governing PACE. A request for a copy of these rules went unanswered. Please note here that several PACE advisors, mentors, and directors are quite openly Jannace opponents. A partial list of PACE advisors/directors:

Greg Bassett--The Daily TimesBrad Bellacicco--Salisbury Chamber of Commerce Norman Conway--Md. House of Delegates Rick Pollitt--Fruitland, Md. City Manager Paul Sarbanes--United States Senator Tony Sarbanes--Wicomico Co. Council Barrie Tilghman--Salisbury, Md. Mayor

It's easy to see with even this partial list of advisors why Mr. Jannace is feared as a write in candidate.

PACE, by virtue of it's name should have welcomed Mr. Jannace to it's forum. As it was Mr. Jannace elected to attend the function and remain outside the building and provided to the interested voters his platform for a better Wicomico County.

Please, I urge each of you to look closely at the candidates. Mr. Pollitt and Mr. Alessi have yet to provide hard and fast answers to the issues at hand. General answers, evasive answers, and a tendency to the Status Quo are prevalent with these spendthrift "contestants of taxpayer money."

Mr. Charles Jannace has answers. Check out the planks in his platform. The answers are there. The votes to make the answers a reality is up to you! See it for yourself. Please go to his website:


Vote for a better Wicomico County. Write in vote for Charles Jannace.

Mike Lewis for Sheriff.


The Old Salisbury Mall Is Simply A Disaster Waiting To Happen

Over the past few days I have been following violation after violation at the Old Salisbury Mall and today Linda Kent and Terry Cohen finally got enough attention whereas the City responded with the Fire Marshall as well as internal Employees of the City.

Doors were busted open overnight and there was very clear evidence of people occupying the inside of the Old Mall. Plates were on the floor, wires were stripped from almost every electrical outlet you could see and obviously the copper is worth money and they're going to steal whatever they can get their hands on.

With the price of copper going through the roof, why not take advantage of what's there, right? Well much of what's there could be live wires. Last week I personally saw people inside the mall that I thought were electricians but it turns out these people were more than likely stealing what they could get even during broad daylight.

A representative and I stood at one door that was secured into the inside of the Mall and we could hear water just flowing through the roof like a massive waterfall. The last photo above was a very rare shot of the inside of one section of the Old Mall and water was coming right through the roof while we were standing there. It was so dark you really couldn't see much at all and I used a flash and was completely surprised to see there was actually an image. The ceiling tiles were all falling down from getting soaked and there's obviously a problem there. People are getting onto the roof there and there's a very good chance someone could very easily fall right through the roof. Something needs to be done about this structure right away.

The building is supposed to be secured and that's what the City has said in a letter drafted today to the owner of the property. However, get this, they now have 5 days to do something about it! The owner of the property told the City that they were aware of the problem but due to bad weather they haven't been able to do anything about it. Talk about a boat load of crap! It only started raining today! The windows have been blown out of that building for at least a week now and the City fell asleep at the wheel because they have not sent them violations for the windows before today.

Tom Stevenson was in Washington, DC. today and the Mayor's vehicle wasn't at her Office so it's no wonder the City actually responded while the most important people were away. Something actually got done!

I'd like to add this challenge to the end of this post. You do not see "anything" referencing Gang Graffiti and or any of this illegal activity at the Old Mall in The Daily Times, ever. If the Daily Times is going to start telling the truth then they need to get on the ball and start informing their readers of "all" the activities going on around Salisbury. Let's see what they do from here on out, shall we?

Did You Listen To Charles Jannace On The Bill Reddish Show?

Just click on this link and you'll start listening to the interview almost immediately, even if you're on dial up. http://jannace.com/cjjannace.wma

For those Dee, Dee, Deeee Republicans who haven't switched their thoughts and minds yet, I dare you to listen to this interview and come back here with a negative comment?

More Mall Grafitti Overnight!

The Maryland State Police have simply had enough of Chief Webster and they're bringing in their own "Gang Task Force" to take control of the City of Salisbury's Streets once again. That sure does say a lot about who's in charge now and what's NOT being done and or getting done.

From what I've come to learn there is quite a bit of Federal money the City has not taken advantage of referencing Gang money and there's not been enough reports, (according to the State Police) from the City and or Chief Webster. My guess is, the Chief can't afford their numbers going up and up and Barrie Tilghman has asked the Chief to keep it quiet.

I spoke with a Real Estate Agent not long ago and she said whenever a Client asks about crime in the City she simply tells them they count every broom stick that is stolen so you can't really trust the numbers.

In other words, they lie because the numbers would drive anyone away! There is a post that will follow this one showing the City is being forced to investigate what's going on at the Old Mall and the pictures in this post were all taken this morning.

New Rules, UPS Doesn't Have To Use Headlights In The Rain.

Why? Because we're UPS and we don't give a ship. Hold your tongue when you say that.

Today's Wildlife Photos

This should help get the rain off your mind for the next 3 days. Wait till you hear my post as to the conditions the City will demand when placing the three horses to "good homes." It will clearly show discrimination like you've never seen it before and guess what, I'm probably going to sue the City if Jennifer and I aren't allowed to own one or all three. As you can clearly see, our horses don't look very healthy or happy.

Code Violations

The City of Salisbury recently fined the local St. Francis Church for grass violations.

OK you pain in the asses, I want these flags replaced TODAY and I want to see fines imposed on them TODAY!

How dare you go after a Church who does in fact cut their lawn regularly as you are the lowest of lows. "EVERYONE," keep an eye out and see how long it takes for BARRIE TILGHMAN to get this fixed, especially since Joe Albero said to do so. That includes fines against the Old Salisbury Mall too!

Do you really want me to run around the City Barrie and find all the violations you haven't been giving out to the FOB's? Sleep on that one!

Thanks Jimmy!

Position is everything. This location is one of the best in Salisbury and Jimmy was proud to let us display a Charles Jannace sign on the corner.

If you'd like a sign just e-mail me at, alberobutzo@wmconnect.com