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Monday, October 02, 2006

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

Effective today I have finalized the contracts to purchase 300 W. Main Street on the Downtown Plaza.

This location will ultimately become Headquarters for the Jannace Campaign and I must say, I think it's one of the nicest buildings in all of Salisbury.

I am open to all kinds of creative ideas as to what to do with the building. I do know I'll be setting up an Office some time next week there and over time I'm sure I'll come up with something very creative for it.

Maybe another Sanford & Son Junk Yard?

Joe Albero, You're Number One!

OK, I know I'm going to get a lot of flack because this photo is out of focus but hey, it's not easy pulling the camera out and snapping these "Kodak Moments" before they disappear. So sometimes I'll take what I can get and as it turns out I couldn't even get in a second shot.

If you're wondering who this is, it's Mike Dunn.

Pipe Dream Annexation!

As new signs go up today for lots on the East side of Westwood, the City Council were discussing finally completing their "illegal" pipe stem annexation in which I can assure you another lawsuit will be in order.

Maybe when they depose Mikey and his Father they'll come to learn the truth as to how Mike got Stock in the Bank of Delmarva out of nowhere and why he's now telling everyone he's now a millionaire?

I thought you and your Father didn't make any money on this sale Mikey?

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! Don't Listen To The Bill Reddish Show Again!

Ladies & Gentlemen,

We have brought high tech to the Jannace Website. Please go to www.jannace.com and go to the link for the Bill Reddish Show Interview and listen over and over again as to why you need to vote for Charles Jannace! My suggestion, listen to it twice, it's well worth it. Besides, Ron will.

Say Goodnight Gracie!

Tony Bruce' Death Was A Suicide

On his final day on earth, Tony Bruce was being chased by a couple of Goons from Easton trying to get back money Tony had supposedly stolen from a family estate.

This was the typical story in the life of Tony Bruce as many have stated the man was crooked and had lost his license to practice law, once for an entire year. He had been sanctioned numerous times, suspended and took advantage of the elderly and their money.

You don't read about this in The Daily Times, even in today's article. The locals are trying to keep everything quiet but the reality of it all is, the man committed suicide by taking Rat Poison. He was scared to death that these two were going to hurt him as they came in and agressively asked for their family money back and Tony didn't have it. He acted like he was going off to the Bank to get the money, (in which he didn't have any more) and they stopped him at his car and asked where he was going. He explained it wasn't at the Bank next door, it was down the street.

He was able to get away from these guys for a 1/2 hour or so and in the time that he got away he swallowed the poison and ultimately killed himself. I have heard from people in Princess Anne that this man would steal money from the elderly. He'd buy properties and never pay for it. I was also told it was well known that locals would stay away from him and not do business with him.

Now granted, I surely hope I never get a ticket in Princess Anne after this post and or get into any kind of trouble there because this is not the type of news anyone wants to get out. However, this is the real world and people deserve the right to know the truth. The man swallowed Rat Poison and he simply killed himself.

So if you're a lawyer and you cheat and steal from people, don't go killing yourself and think you're going to leave behind some sort of positive legacy. Tony Bruce was a cheat and took his own life. End of story. Some clients hate lawyers enough to actually think this is a wonderful ending to a lawyers life.

PLEASE, I'm Begging You, Don't Let Charles Jannace Into The PACE Debate?

After the Bill Reddish Show, Ron Alessi doesn't know what direction to go.

He's simply begging and pleading that PACE doesn't get smart and realize they're giving Jannace the Republican Nomination for County Executive because the entire County is sick and tired of all these lies, twists, cover ups and games.

Democrats are sending us leters each and every day stating they're giving their vote to Charles Jannace and this is the honest truth Folks.

People are asking for Jannace signs and they want to take down their Alessi sign. The Alessi Campaign is so stupid they're pushing to keep Jannace out of the debate yet their supporters are turing on them like there's no tomorrow.

Say Goodnight Gracie!!!!!

What A Country!

Dangerous Reading?
The 25th annual Banned Books Week in Sept. 23-30. The American Library Association says each book listed below has been pulled from some libraries or schools. You'll be surprised by the list.
The Adventures of Captain Underpants--Causes unruly behavior.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn---Racist language.
To Kill a Mockingbird------------------ " "
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl--Sexually explicit.
The Handmaid's Tale----------------------" "
The Catcher in the Rye, Garfield: His Nine Lives, and The Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary-----------------------------Offensive Language
Harry Potter (entire series)-------------Occult
Little Red Riding Hood------------------Bottle of Wine in Basket for grandma.
Other books have been banned because of provocative pictures, racist or explicit language or controversial ideas. Some are challenged/removed. More than 8,700 reported challenges made in 1990. Among them, Mother Goose, Freakonomics, The Bible and Fahrenheit 451.

Charles Jannace Does Fantastic On The Bill Reddish Show

This interview IMO was one of the best I've ever heard on the Bill Reddish Show.

Charles had some 20 minutes comfortably to spell out his platform and Bill welcomed every ounce of it. In fact, he stated he liked the fact that Charles is willing to spell it all out so everyone knows what he's running for while the other candidates haven't.

If you aren't convinced that Charles is the man for the job now, you need to go back to Alessi's campaign and start tweaking your platform to at least mirror most of Charles'.

Have a nice Monday! :-)