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Friday, September 29, 2006

Charles Jannace Fundraiser Twilight Cruise On The Wicomico

Mr. John Harris has been so kind as to contact us and offer to host a fund raiser for Charles Jannace on his yacht this October 14th.

This Twilight Cruise has limited seating and is first come first served at $100 per person. Refreshments and light fare are provided. 443-523-7653 ask for Donna.

Anyone may send donations to:
Write In CJ Jannace P.O. Box 501 Salisbury, MD. 21802 Your support is greatly appreciated.

This is not Mr. Haris' yacht but it looks good, doesn't it?

Relay For Life Night

I must admit, I was completely surprised to see there were literally thousands of people there this evening for a wonderful cause, cancer.

Charles Jannace Will Be On The Bill Reddish Show Monday Morning At 7:10 AM

Bill Reddish has reached out and will have Charles on his show. Read My Lips Ron, YOU JUST LOST ANY CHANCE OF WINNING THE REPUBLICAN VOTE! This is getting too easy.

Duz Yuz Guys Knows Who's Yuz Is Messin Wit?

Let's get one thing perfectly clear here Ladies and Gentlemen. Charles Jannace is being black balled by the Ron Alessi Campaign because they got a taste of what Charles Jannace is going to do to them in ANY debate, any time, any place!

Brad, Joe & Ron are desperate to keep Charles as far away from real voters as humanly possible or they would have stepped up to the plate and said, if they don't allow Jannace, we're not attending.

If the Alessi Campaign Group were anywhere near confident in their quest of a win, this is what they would have done. Instead, they are doing everything possible to take advantage of anything they can grasp at to keep Charles away from speaking to the public and letting them know and PROVE that everything Alessi said the other night was a complete lie and he proved it. Ron could be more embarrassed and couldn't have looked like a bigger fool!

The BIG question here is, did Ron Alessi just hand over the win to Charles Jannace by pulling such a move? My guess from speaking to "all" of the Press is, YES! Ron would have a better chance beating Charles Jannace by allowing him to be involved in the PACE Debate because "ALL" of the Media would be able to give equal amounts of Press. However, Charles Jannace is BIG news and they must interview him more in all fairness because he's being taken out of the game for no good reason.

So keep up the good work there Joe, Brad and Ron, you're sinking fast and we're getting more and more Press. You'd have to attempt suicide at this point Alessi before anyone will pay any attention to you now. I told you this guy was an idiot!

In closing, (Ron & Rick) Real "MEN" would tell PACE they're not going to participate in the debate unless they allowed the other "legal" Candidate top participate. Don't talk any BS along the way. If you're going to open your mouths, back it up by refusing to participate, period. The bigger MAN will get the most attention here Fellas! Why do I get the feeling that will be Charles?