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Monday, September 18, 2006

Pittsville Officials Show Mike Their Sub Station

It turns out the Town of Pittsville owns the building and only asks the Sheriff's Department to pay for the telephone lines. It certainly makes me wonder how and why this location ever shut down?

Nevertheless, it's a perfect location and it will serve the community well. Does anyone know when they will in fact reopen Pittsville? The rumor was that it was supposed to reopen a few weeks ago.

Mike Lewis Introduces Himself To Pittsville

The Town Council of Pittsville received Mike Lewis with open arms as well as concerned residents asking several questions as to what Mike would do if elected in November.

Mike instantly reached out and explained how interested he was in Pittsville, with its growth and growing concerns. He wanted to thank all of the Firemen & Women over all the years he has been a Police Officer for their unrecognized actions. Without them I couldn't do my duty, while they direct traffic and keep things moving, allowing Officers to investigate the scenes.

There were talks about the speed limit in front of Pittsville Elementary School and just how many speeders race through that area while School is in. Every Town/City will have their concerns and hot spots and it will take the Citizens getting involved and letting the Sheriffs Department aware of their wants and needs in order to make the positive changes everyone is looking for. Reaching out like Mike did tonight is proof he's heading in the right direction and his campaigning never stopped.

I've Waited This Long, What's Another Few Days?

Has anyone noticed how there's not been one remark on any Blog Site stating how wonderful this man is and how great a job he could do for you? Dee, Dee, Deeee!

Oh how I love Delmar!