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Friday, September 15, 2006

City Council Meeting 9-11-06

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you know I have been under the weather these past few days and today hasn't been any better then the rest.

However, Jennifer asked me if I'd like to watch the DVD of the Council Meeting Monday night and I agreed.

All I can tell you so far is this. They should be very greatful I wasn't there in person.

Barrie Tilghman was wearing the "only" jacket she seems to own, you know, the old yellow one. I'm just thankful she's wearing a jacket at all, following her track record. Nevertheless Barrie, change your Monday color, OK?

The name calling on the Council's bahalf in e-mails internally and to Citizens was unbelievable! Mike Dunn, you can dish it out but you can't take it? These Citizens weren't calling any of you names! They were reading what you people were calling them!

Nevertheless, it's a sight to see and like I said, I'll do my best to get something out there as you only need to see the first 15 minutes of the DVD anyway for public comment.

Randy Taylor, (neighbor) you are NOT going to like having me as your new neighbor, that's for sure! That had to be the biggest butt kissing contest I have ever seen. I can assure you that Randy Taylor was well prepared by his new butt kissing buddy and new partner in business Barrie Tilghman to state everything he did.

Oh Mike, where are those 100 people that you personally stated supported the project? Jennifer said you missed it by 99 as Randy was the only one out of a hundred. What do they call that new business the Mayor and Randy are putting together, a CDC? (Community Developement Corporation) More to come on that subject........

Do You Remember This Photo?

Not that long ago I posted several photos of animals needing to be adopted by the Humane Society. This 9 year old female German Shepherd was a beautiful dog and from what I hear the older dogs don't have much luck with adoption.

Well I have some fantastic news! A friend of mine approached me last night with a gleam in their eyes and I was not prepared to hear what they were about to tell me.

They saw the picture on this Blog Site and went in and adopted this dog right away. She is doing fantastic and has even lost about 40 pounds. The owners couldn't be happier and once again it proves the Blog Sites work!

Between dogs, horses, accountability at the Zoo, we're making a positive difference and I thank all of you for participating. Please don't forget the Humane Society if you're even remotely interested in a pet.

I'm Ahead By This Much

Can you imagine if all the Independent Voters had the chance to vote how different this outcome might be?

B.J. Corbin came out late and still put up an outstanding campaign and there's still a chance the man could win.

Nevertheless, you have to always respect the fact that Alessi is in fact ahead and could possibly pull off a win. If so, think about just how many Republicans will be voting for a Democrat in November.

I attended last nights forum and Alessi was once again a no show while B.J. Corbin showed up in the very least to see how and where everyone stands. I guess Ron feels, who cares, they'll all be listening to me if I win anyway.

A Daily Times Reporter Is Way Out Of Line!

Monique Lewis was recently visiting the Salisbury Zoo when she came upon a friend of mine who was there taking pictures with one of his new cameras.

The next thing he knew, Monique walked right up to him and said, are you taking those pictures for the Blog Sites?

The Times must be awefully scared about how and what we're doing because our hits on site meter tell us quite a few hits a day come from Gannett Publications. Stick that one in your hat Greg Bassett!

Leave the Visitors alone.