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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Click on image to enlarge.

If you truly want to see the scope of this project, this image tells it all. Seriously though, I kept hearing them mention something about 30% green space. Can someone please show me where they are anywhere close to that figure? Looks to me like 80% blacktop space.

The City Of Salisbury Is A Scam!

If you're on the West side of the Government Building and you throw in 4 quarters into this meter you're only going to get 1 hour and NOT 2 hours!

If you park on Main Street and put in 4 quarters you'll get 2 hours. I hear there are places in the City you can only buy 1/2 hour on the meter.

The scam and illegal activity is the FACT that NONE of these meters tell you what you're going to get for your money and no matter what they'll accept your quarters and NOT give you the time you're paying for.

This is illegal and if they don't change it immediately and at least warn everyone what they're getting for their money, I'm going to personally sue the City for taking my money and not giving me the service I paid for. You might think this is petty but I can assure you this is costing everyone parking in these spots many thousands of dollars. They must post what you're paying for, period.

The Mayor Burns Rubber!

Barrie Tilghman popped her head in today's Planning & Zoning meeting, not expecting me to be right there waiting for that "You're #1" photo op.

You talk about someone b-lining it to their office! You could smell the rubber burning off her shoes and the second photo clearly shows she wasn't too happy about my being there.

You're #1 too Barrie. There must have been 20 people laughing their a_s off watching the Mayor run away. ;-)

If You Want To Learn Class & Elegance........

Linda Kent was first class today when she not only confronted the Old Mall Developers, she looked them right in the eyes and shared every one of her concerns. Wouldn't it be nice if the City Council, (excluding Debbie Campbell) and the Mayor could offer the same respect to the people paying their salaries and placing so much trust and faith in?

Planning & Zoning Meeting Today

The majority of people in today's meeting were there for the Old Mall Project. Although Paul Wilber even admitted that the project wouldn't work under the PRD Zoning yesterday in Court, they decided to go ahead with the project and take it to the next level.

The WWTP & Publics Works Department said they could add 6 new hook ups a day for the next few years and still not be over capacity. I personally find that hard to believe as well as several other people in awe at such a statement. Do note, John Jacobs was not present and did not make this statement.

The Developers brought out several letters from Citizens apparently stating they support the project but that was very quickly brought down by Terry Cohen stating these are the same people who are on the record stating they are not in support of this same project once they learned in detail what these Developers truly had in mind.

My big question is, where was Mike Dunn? Where were the 100 supporters of this project he so boldly told everyone he had? I didn't count a single resident of the City of Salisbury there in support of the project. That speaks for itself!

There are now going to be 16.17 units per acre and as we've seen the decline of promises towards Senior Housing in Sassafras, here we go again with this project. They had brought the project to the City offering 150 Senior houses and have now dropped that figure down to 100 homes.

One major question that was asked time and time again was, where's the lake? I thought you were going to build the lake first? "We just didn't want to commit to it, just in case." Just in case of what? Now they're on the record as stating they're NOT going to build the lake after all.

There were other concerns about the housing market being in a decline and the Developers didn't seem to have a single concern about that. They want to bring a Grocery Store into the project, even though the new filing for a PRD won't allow that much retail space, they believe they can ask and receive a special exception and exceed the legal limit as to this retail space. They originally wanted 298,000 sq. ft. of commercial office and retail but the PRD brings them all the way down to only 30,000 sq. ft. of retail space and they'll ask for an additional 100,000 sq. ft. of space for the Grocery Store.

Although the Old Mall does need a drastic change, keep an eye out for this property being flipped once this Developer gets what they want by the City. A perfect example would be something called Sassafras.