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Thursday, August 31, 2006

We'll See Your Violation And Up Yours!

The Town of Milton, DE. seems to be in the hot seat now with WWTP Violations of their own. Although the City of Salisbury is dealing with their own denial, Milton is now looking at a $10,000.00 a day in violations if they don't get theirs fixed right away.

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control is claiming the WWTP is not filtering their water properly and discharging it into the Broadkill River. Sound familiar? Although the Town is cooperating so far, time will tell if they are fined or not? They too are planning on building a new WWTP in a year or so but maybe they could take lessons from the City of Salisbury?

The photo above is the illegal sludge pit at the Salisbury WWTP that is still in litigation with the MDE. The MDE has been asking the City to put in test wells for almost a year now to see if the liner that has been in place for more than 18 years and only guaranteed for less than one year is in fact leaking? The City refuses to respond to the MDE's request and are fighting them all the way.

Dave Pushkar, (from the MDE) stated to me personally that he felt it was highly suspicious that they refuse to respond and feels there's a very good chance the liner is in fact leaking.

Boat rides are available through the County Tourism Office on weekends only. Ask for John Jacobs or Dave Winslow.

Are 640,000 Readers Being Mislead?

The Daily Times front page article tells a story of the Men's Journal writing an article about the Eastern Shore and the beauty of what we have to offer.

Jim Rapp, (Director of the Salisbury Zoo) is seen here paddling through the river near the pipes in which were illegally discharging raw sewage and chemicals directly into the Wicomico River, which he knowingly allowed but denies, as well as Ron Alessi, (President of the Zoo Commission).

While 640,000 people read this particular article this month, what will happen when they arrive and find signs posted all over the Wicomico River telling them it's not safe at all to be in these waters?

Yes, the Eastern Shore USED to be a wonderful place for recreation but these people, (including Barrie Tilghman & Co.) have completely destroyed such an experience and should "ALL" be ashamed of themselves!

The Last Place Anyone Would Want To Work!

If you like discrimination against woman, go to work here!

One employee who worked for the Bank of Willards who is 8 months pregnant was recently fired for an incident that happened 8 months earlier that she didn't even get written up for and the problem, (human error) was immediately corrected. In order to get rid of her they used this as an excuse to let her go. No more health insurance, nothing! What a nice place to work!

Another woman was interviewing for a job there and she already had children and they asked, are you going to have any more children? Why? Because if you are, we're not going to hire you.

I was also told about a woman who has Lymes Disease as well as her child. They have to travel all the way to PA. to get treatments and she was recently told she may no longer use sick days to take off work, she must use her vacation time instead or she'll be terminated.

The entire Staff, (females) were recently told that if their child got sick at School after 9:00 a.m., they were NOT allowed to leave and get them. It would be up to their husbands to do so or they'd lose their jobs. Not only does the Bank of Willards pay their people next to nothing, they suck as an employer and one can only hope the group of them get together and create a Class Action Lawsuit against these people for discrimination.

It seems that since the President of the Bank is a former Attorney, everyone is scared to death of this guy. I say, sue the crap out of him and make him eat his own words!

If any of you would like to switch Banks, call Chris Hatton at the Bank of America just down the street. 410-749-2205. He's a great Investment Broker and he'd be honored to set you up with the right person to fill your needs. Why do I get the feeling a lot of women are going to switch Banks right away?

Today's Wildlife Photos

Honey, stay here and use that umbrella while I unlock the gate and scare away these seagulls. Yeah, I know how much we spend each month to rent this space at Brew River! Look at it this way Honey, aren't they spectacular birds? We've got 1/2 the Salisbury Zoo right here on this Pier.

SHA Works Overtime?

The State Highway Administration was working overtime yesterday as they had received a truckload of trees, (shown above) being installed where the Bypass meets Rt. 50. Is this a good time to plant trees?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So When Is A Mayor A Mayor?

Tell me, what has Barrie Tilghman actually done for the City of Salisbury? More importantly, maybe everyone should now start concentrating on what Barrie Tilghman will be leaving all of you with once she's gone?

Proclamations during Council Meetings doesn't cut it!

Have things gotten better at the Zoo?
Have things gotten better at the WWTP?
Is the City in a better financial situation then it was last year?
Is the City in greater debt than last year?
Is the City a safer place to live?
Are murders up or down in the City?
Are there Gangs in Salisbury?
Is the River in better shape?
Do the Citizens believe in Barrie Tilghman and or trust her better this year than last year?
Is it just me or is the Bank of Delmarva involved in almost every transaction the City pulls off?
Has the Mayor publicly asked Mike Dunn where he in fact got his Stock in the Bank of Delmarva?
Are there less homeless people in the City?
Are the more homeowners in the City?
Do you believe what she tells you?
Is the Mayor making more money than last year?

There are tons of quality questions to ask but I think some of these shed light as to just how well things are truly going with this Mayor and Council. Let's leave it for the Barrie Supporters to come back and show us jus what good she has done representing all of you as your Mayor?

Most importantly, what will she leave all of you when she's gone and what will she have for herself when she leaves? We all know she put her name on the deed just before WalMart purchased their property.

Today's Sad Wildlife Photo

Although this turtle is to the surface you can barely see his body? Why? Ecoli might be a good start!

So thanks for covering everything up Barrie and lying to the Public. As you can't clearly see, they'll survive.

Here We Go Again!

"Due to press release issues your paper will be delivered 3 to 4 hours late."

I wonder what would happen if we "all" chose a date and cancelled our subscriptions all at the same time?

Here's an idea. How about they come out with a paper just like they have in Ocean City, once a week? Oh, don't forget, those papers are FREE too!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bad Hair Day?

This is what happens to you if you live on the Wicomico River and you don't use products from Coast To Coast Soapworks!

Oh, a major raw sewage spill doesn't help either!

Were There Two Major Leaks?

Hadley has broken this situation wide open as Pizzagalli representatives have simply had enough with the City of Salisbury and Public Works!

The main question was, why did the Mayor originally state there was a breach in the system at 1:00 a.m. and then change it to 9:30 a.m. later that morning?

Why did the Mayor state that it was fortunate it happened during the slow period during the middle of the night when 1:00 a.m. might make sense but certainly she didn't mean 9:30 a.m. being the middle of the night?

Why did the Mayor come to the City Council Meeting last night and then state she received an emergency call at 7:30 / 8:00 a.m. when the system hadn't broken as of yet, supposedly?

Why do Hadley and I have numerous witnesses that saw at 5:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. bails of straw covering the sewer drains in the road?

I'll tell you why! Because there were two breaches in the system. One was at 1:00 a.m. and they had already put out the bails of hay anticipating a breach. They had a problem and as early as 7:30 a.m. they called the Mayor to let her know there was in fact a problem but nowhere near as bad as what was about to follow. At 9:30 a.m. they went to torque a leaky bolt and it snapped and fell apart and the shit hit the fan!

This was an environmental disaster and let me tell you why this could be MUCH bigger than we had thought. Pizzagalli doesn't want to be responsible and they didn't even want the City to know what happened. So much so that they did NOT send any one of their Staff to the Hospital as they feared the City would find out how bad it really was.

NOW who do you trust? Pizzagalli was trying to cover up how bad the situation was, the pump was completely blown and they had no recovery pump to stop what they were hit with. The City has now PROVEN they have no clue what was going on and they have attempted to cover the truth several times now, so we know they're lying, especially the Mayor.

The MDE has been all over the City for such said situations all too frequently in this City of Salisbury and yet John Jacobs still has a job as well as a lying Mayor. It's a funny thing. When animals were dying at a VERY alarming rate the Mayor claimed she was going to hold an internal investigation to find out just how bad things were and then she threw it under the rug and waited for the AZA to offer their findings instead. Now there's a MAJOR breach in the raw sewage and there's no internal investigation, nothing!

As long as the Daily Times refuses to do this kind of internal investigating the Mayor will walk away from this like nothing ever happened. Her time line is all screwed up and they're not exposing what really happened. It's time to call in the FEDS and wake this woman up for the very last time. The MDE stated they made sure the City was following all the rules in such a disaster but that has been clearly found to be not true at all as well. A diver was found in the river JUST ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BREACH and there were no signs posted whatsoever!


It's All In The Name

It has always fascinated me how people can come up with such fantastic names for their businesses. I mean, Brew River, who da thunk it?
These bottles were in fact floating in the river just outside Brew River.

These Divers Were Clueless!

Iyeska tipped me off today when she saw divers going into the River right next to Brew River. A Tug Boat was having mechanical proplems docked next door and they had a Diver in the water trying to see if he could locate the problem.

What they didn't know was that they were not supposed to be in the water. WHY, you might ask? Because there are NO signs anywhere to be seen anywhere around that area telling you it's restricted!

By the time I arrived, (after Iyeska forewarned these gentlemen of the danger) they had bolted out of the water and weren't too pleased! Is there another lawsuit in the making against the City? Or will they claim since it was in the paper they're in the clear? News at 11:00!


Maybe Mrs. Cathcart needs to start looking a little closer to the women Mike Dunn keeps toying with whenever they enter the room?

Lynn, with all due respect, I understand your statement and I respect where you're coming from. However, nobody's whistling at you from across the street any more. No one that isn't blind and or married to you is calling you baby, honey, sweetheart, precious, georgous, baby cakes, hot stuff, moma suita, hoochie momma, etc.... (I say that in the most respectful way)

Face it Lynn, you'r time has come. You get discounts on your meals. You've served your time. Things ARE getting harder to remember like, why the hell did I walk into this room, I know I was here for something? Oh, yeah, (10 minutes later) it's a Council Meeting!

Last night Lynn wanted the world to know that she does not accept being called elderly, even though she fits into that catagory. May I recomment Dr. Vince Perotta? ;-)

I'll Give You The Key To My Club, I Mean Heart, I Mean City!

Now how come you don't come sit next to me Mikey and get all warm and fuzzy?

Are you proud of yourself Daily Times?

Some women have no self respect! If a man with the arrogance of Mike Dunn aproached this woman as a married man, (as he is) and flirted like Mike was doing last evening, she'd tell him she was there to do her job and ask Mike Dunn to respectfully do the same. The KEY here is, Mike doesn't live by those rules, nor does his wife.

I guess what makes it right is that the Pac 14 cameras weren't rolling yet. MINE WERE THOUGH!

Simon Says, Turn Your Head To The Right And Respect My Authority!

REMEMBER Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm a Mentor!

While Barrie Tilghman started her speech/lies about the pipe bursting with human feces flowing everywhere and ultimately into the River, Mike Dunn stopped the meeting entirely and addressed me personally. He blasted at me stating I was making it difficult for him to concentrate on what the Mayor was saying, because I was standing!

Now mind you Folks, I was by the FRONT DOOR! The cameraman above was IN THEIR FACE but they said nothing to him at all. Now if Mike Dunn had a clue on how to concentrate and didn't have ADHD, this would be understandable. However, once he knew the Mayor started lying and he heard my camera go off and everyone in the crowd started to speak because they knew she was lying, he took it out on me.

I know I mentioned some of this in another post but I wanted you to see pictures and proof that there was no way I should have been bothering Mike Dunn in this meeting. Because Mike is bellyaching, allow me to also express what a "PROFESSIONAL" does.

You see Mike, I used to play Professional Pool and traveled all over the Country playing in Tournaments. ESPN would be right in our faces when we'd take a shot. WAAAAAAA! Spectators would constantly be taking flash pictures. WAAAAAAA! The wife of your opponent would try coughing every time you'd go to take a shot. WAAAAAA! QUIT CRYING YOU LITTLE BABY! Grow up and DO YOUR JOB! If you don't like your job, QUIT and get the hell out of there because quite frankly Mike Dunn, nobody likes you any more. Oh, there are those 100 people that supported the old Mall Project though, right?

Oh, Mike, if you'd like to view some of my ESPN tapes I'd be honored to do so. Your cost will be .25 cents per second to do so. I'd like to catch the Public and Mrs. Campbell back up on all these fees the City is charging to review documents. Tell me who your favorite Male Professional Player is and I'll do my best to find a tape of me playing against that particular player? Won't this be fun!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Mike Dunn Proves He's #1

Mr. Caldwell showed his class this evening by almost begging the City Council to refrain from attacking the Citizens that put them in Office as well as one and other.

Mike Dunn 100% completely ignored Mr. Caldwell's requests as he attacked just about every person there. If you missed it on Pac 14, watch the repeat because it's a classic!

I was even personally spanked by Mike Dunn for standing up and taking pictures. Oh, it was perfectly fine for 47 News to move around and take shots. It was OK for the Mayor to get up two or three times, walk behind the Council and disturb everyone. It was OK for John Jacobs to walk over to Paul Wilber while the Council Meeting was in session but little old me standing near the entrance of this meeting room, completely in the opposite direction away from the Mayor speaking at the time, I was disrupting Mike Dunn? Mike was pissed because he knew the Mayor was lying and I started snapping pictures of her doing so and John Pick looking so upset.

You know what Mike, YOU ARE #1!

Barrie Tilghman Is A Liar!

During the first Press Conference referencing the Raw Sewage Explosion that found its way into the Wicomico River, Barrie Tilghman explained how it happened at 1:00 AM. Soon after they changed their tune and I believe it was based on their not having the proper equipment to clean up this mess and that's why you see all this "Rental Equipment" on site right now.

We have two witnesses that clearly saw at 5:30 AM and another at 7:30 AM where those bails of straw were already covering the sewer drains in the morning. Now here's the most interesting point. John Pick sent me a letter stating it happened at 9:30 AM and the first reporter was wrong.

However, the Mayor clearly screwed her whole story up this evening as she voluntarily admitted that she received an emergency call from John Jacobs at 8:00 AM that morning. Once again I'm calling out for Dave Pushkar to investigate this whole thing because when John Pick looked at the Mayor when she stated this, the anger in his face was very clear as he knew she just screwed the whole thing up.

Folks, there's a serious cover up going on. Here's where she screwed up again. She said something like, fortunately this happened in the middle of the night where there was very little volume of sewage running through the system and she was confident it was less than 43,000 gallons that entered the River.

HELLO!!!! Since when is 8:00 AM the middle of the night? However, if it WAS 1:00 AM it would make more sense. Nevertheless, Pushkar better get on the ball before the Citizens go completely nuts over even more Barrie Tilghman's cover ups and lies.

Just look at John Pick's face while the Mayor lies. This was priceless!


After Hadley spoke directly with the Contractor over the Raw Sewage Spill we had come to learn directly from them that they were VERY upset about this happening because a few of their guys were drenched from head to toe with human feces!

Now I know most of you have read this before from me and I had also asked why HAZMAT had not been called in. GET THIS! "Joe – no City or contractor personnel went to the hospital." This was just confirmed to me via John Pick and this is NOT good!

Is the MDE doing their job? Does the City of Salisbury have ANY common sense whatsoever? Should John Jacobs be holding the position he has right here and now if they did NOT demand that ANYONE who touched anything, got drenched and or could have been contaminated with this crap go to the Hospital?

OK, I'm now going to dig deeper and get more names because this literally stinks!

Debbie Campbell For Mayor

If you missed this mornings interview with Debbie Campbell on the Bill Reddish Show, you missed a very interesting show.

Accountability seems to be the key here, all of which Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Paul Wilber and Barrie Tilghman seem to be experts at avoiding.

Debbie is asking all of you, please come to tonight's Council Meeting at 6:00 PM as "your help is sure appreciated, thank you!"

Be there or be square.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

From Here, Come Here?

Need I say more?
Click on image to enlarge.


If this photo doesn't tell it all I don't know what else to give you any more! You can click on this image to enlarge it and see the names on these signs even better. However, from a distance it evidence enough that still to this date NOTHING has been done about this illegal activity.

Might I also suggest you right click on this image and save it in order to use it against the City any time they come into your neighborhood and tell you what you can and can't do any more.

If it looks like I'm ragging on Barrie Tilghman a lot here lately, you're right. My reasoning is simply that I am delivering pictures that proves time and time again this woman couldn't care less what "ANY" of you think and she'll obviously do whatever she can to bash you and take you down if you dare challenge her in any way.

Now I'll take you back to 2 years ago when Barrie Tilghman and Mike Dunn were on the war path against Debbie Campbell when her son was holding a garage sale in their front yard. Mike Dunn was actually taking pictures of it and the Mayor told her she was breaking the law! Yard sale for ONE DAY, or scaffolding for years at a time. Tell me, who's breaking the law here Folks?

Setting Up An Account To Comment

Between Hadley and myself, we regularly get the complaint that people wanting to set up an account can't seem to do so. This being the case, here's what I'll offer you. If you contact me directly at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com I will personally set up an account for you and forward it back to you at the e-mail address you provide.

We want to hear from all of you and the account I set up for you will work on any Blog Site. This is what I'll need from you.

The name you'd like to use. Keep in mind that the exact name may not be available so I'll do my best to get you as close as possible to that name.

I'll need a password. Once again I'll get as close as possible if that password is not available.

I'll need an e-mail address you'd like the account set up on.

As long as we're not overwhelmed we'll be happy to do this for you. Have a great day!

More Manufactured News

Although I found all the propaganda in this article interesting and non trust worthy by anyone involved, how many of you actually think a SU Student went to the Daily Times and said they're worried about living off campus?

IMO, this is what I mean by The Daily Times manufacturing news. It's "my belief" that Laren Hughes, (a Staff Writer for the Daily Times) searched long and hard to find someone willing to say they knew enough cases from last year to admit they were scared. So scared in fact that the Daily Times encouraged allowing information to get out to the point that the Students should now buy guns and baseball bats to protect themselves. Yeah, crime is about to go down again, right?

On a more important line and or way of thinking, why the heck did the Daily Times write an article about the poor Students when it is the every day 24/7 residents paying huge taxes in the City that are actually the biggest victims of transient crime in the City? Maybe Officer Mark Tyler was making a bigger point that didn't get recognized by the Daily Times when he stated that crime against the Students is actually down? Could he have meant that crime is up against the residents and down against the Students? That would be my guess anyway. Crime would be down while Students were away for the summer anyway.

Then I noticed the barrage of signs in the City of Salisbury welcoming back all the Students. There are Student Discount Days around the City but what about all the residents that are here all year round supporting these businesses when there are no Students?

OK, so that's somewhat being picky but do think about this for a minute. Salisbury is not Ocean City. This City depends upon the residents picking up the tab for just about everything. The reality is, if it's property being bought out by the University, they're not being taxed on that property. So in reality, your taxes go up and up and up because there's less and less to tax and they have to get the money from someone! That someone is the homeowners/taxpayers of the City and again IMO you're getting screwed!

I'm not a writer by any means and I do bounce around whenever I put something together, so forgive me for that? However, my main goal here is to get the ideas out to all of you and the forum in which you can comment on each issue should help finesse and fine tune what's important here.

Georgetown Officer Turns Himself In

Hey, wait a minute here, stop the presses!

A Georgetown Police Officer who did a "Hit And Run" and "killed" a Veterinarian with three small children was released on his own recognizance Thursday night. He turned himself in 4 days after the hit and run and was released. What kind of Police Officer runs from the scene, claims he's innocent and gets released on his own recognizance?

However, Jim Rapp starts screaming and yelling at me from some 40 yards away, runs up to me yelling get out of the way and bumps into my camera because he didn't stop quick enough upon his aproach and states I assaulted him and I get a $50,000.00 BOND?

What the HELL is up with this legal system!

City of Salisbury Ethics Commission

Hidden deep in today's Daily Times is a tiny little meaningless article announcing the Ethics Commission has a tiny little immediate opening!

Dear Terry Cohen:

If you happened to miss this particular article, could you please consider applying for this position? You're about as thorough a person as the City could imagine or dream of and I believe you'd fill this position better than anyone else I could think of. Please apply before Ron Alessi does.

Thanking You In Advance,

Joe Albero

Yorkie Specialty Show In Reading, PA.

Jennifer arrived early Wednesday morning to Reading, PA. where the biggest Show of the year for Yorkies was being hosted.

After a successful showing in Easton last week she chose to bring Renoir, (Ren) to gain even more experience. To give you an idea how big this little Show is, there were 248 Yorkies in the main event Saturday.

Nonetheless, Wednesday Ren placed 3rd, which is respectable. Thursday he placed 2nd. Friday he placed 2nd once again but on the big day Saturday he took 1st Place in his Class, beating out the others that had beaten him all week!

In the mean time I sat around at home climbing ladders and rescuing cats. Yahoo! Where's MY ribbons?

Let's Get Ready To RRRRRRRRRumble!

In 31 hours Mr. Paul Wilber will be holding the speech of his life! It will be Wilber's turn to go up against this unruly crowd waiting with such anticipation as to how the City is going to break the law once again and "manufacture" a way out of this failed annexation, pipe dream. The Court of Public Opinion will replace a Judge this time around and the Public will decide just how crooked this City is after tomorrow night.

Follow the lines in the photo Folks, it spells out the entire story, Against The Law Pipestream Annexation. See the pipe? Oh, here's a good one for you too. We don't own the land, it hasn't been annexed into the City but we're going to give you an ILLEGAL letter so you can ILLEGALLY file fraudulently to the Federal Government for tax breaks that aren't real. Why, because the Federal Government never figured anyone would cheat. They never figured anyone would break the law.

Notice right here on this Blog Site how representatives from the Senior Housing Developer attempted to defend themselves and when I blasted them right back with FACTS and TRUTH they immediately deleted their comment and went away! They're NOT going to do what's right. They're NOT going to commit to purchasing all 25 acres and to the honorable thing. Instead, they're going to purchase little by little and see what advantage they can take from the Government, Local or Federal.

I loved it when the guy representing the Developer said, Oh, I'm from Salisbury, I grew up here and I really care. BITE ME! You care about Salisbury like I care about what you have to say. You were defensive from day one when I asked a question and rather than answering it you said, "and where are you from?" What the hell difference does it matter where I'm from and who I'm with. I asked you a question and you either answer it, or you don't. So you know, I did immediately tell him I was from a Blog Site and he said, what's that? This kid was on the defense from the moment he walked in the door and he was so damn comfortable about his position based on his pre-approval from Barrie Tilghman and most of the Council that his arrogance shined right through his BS and he and I knew it.

I'm certainly looking forward to seeing Paul Wilber get through this one because there's gonna be another legal battle on their hands over this issue. Oh, guess what? He's loving every moment of it too. That's how he's making $250,000.00 a year off you taxpayers. As long as you're willing to fight every illegal activity, he'll fight you back, even if it means they lose, they don't care! He's making a ton of money off you people and the more the Mayor and Council attempt to break the law, the more money this man makes.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Waller Landing Development Meeting Today In Hebron

It was a packed house today at the Hebron Fire House where concerned citizens met with some of the Staff and Attorneys representing the Developer. The meeting was designed to get positive input from the locals as to what they'd like to see within this community.

At points during the meeting it got pretty heated up and there was only one politician present, Delegate Cane. 403 acres were annexed by the Town of Hebron some 2 years ago with the intent of having the property developed. However, as Mr. Cane explained, this property is NOT in the County's 5 Year Master Plan and should not go through.

Mr. Cane explained to me how Cambridge made multiple mistakes by not having a 5 year Master Plan in place and the State of Maryland will step in if necessary to insure everyone waits till the timing and planning is right.

There was talk about there being some 2,400 homes in this project and the Developer quoted they will not go anywhere near those figures. During the application process it asks what the maximum quantity of homes would be scheduled for this kind of property and 2,400 was the magic number. However, they claim"more than 1,000 but less than 2,000."

Waste Water was another major issue in which the Developer stated they would use the existing system but they would also be upgrading the current system at no expense to the current residents already living in Hebron. The entire project is contingent on the WWTP upgrade anyway.

There were some plans on apartments being built there but they now claim they are considering removing them from their overall project plans. It was also stated that the State Highway Administration will require them to put in a traffic light on Rt. 50 & Main Street.

One citizen yelled out, "We don't want parks!" Another citizen replied, "Speak for yourself buddy, my kids would love a park!" Then everyone wanted to know where the parks were going and they were referred to their website, www.wallerlanding.com .

Schools were a major issue here and the Developer stated they planned on donating a 6 to 8 acre parcel of property for a School and someone quickly educated them that 6 to 8 acres was nowhere near enough ground according to Maryland State standards for a School. The Developer then stated that there was a 25% Age Restricted Community Development so the impact wouldn't be so bad and it will take quite a bit of time to actually develop such a project. This didn't stop everyone from seeing through the smoke screen though. Someone has got to pay for a new School and property for such and the citizens want answers and IMO they're not getting them.

What I also felt was VERY important here was the fact that these Developers were already using the old Salisbury Mall as an example as to what they could and couldn't get away with. In other words they stated, we're not going to be anywhere near as dense as the old Salisbury Mall project is. Boy has Salisbury really screwed up the surrounding areas because this will forever be an example as to how everyone else will also get away with such huge density is areas it doesn't belong.

Another important question that was asked was, "Is there a community we can go see where the Town hires a "Professional Planner" (Redmond & Johnston) to see just how professional they are? The answer was, "NO."

As I left I spoke with a few citizens and they are outraged! The Schools are a huge issue here. Apparently there was a School built in Hebron only 5 years ago and they already have trailers there as they have completely outgrown that School already! This is going to be a mess Folks, Put your seat belts on because you're in for an unbelievable ride. Don't forget to thank Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys and Lynn Cathcart for making life so much better in Hebron's future too!

Delmar Qiets Things Down!

It was nice to see the peace and quiet this morning in Delmar. A man takes back seat to a woman driver riding horse and buggy and Johnson's Exhaust was closed for the weekend insuring no vehicles would be pulling out with a loud exhaust.

I know I'm one of their biggest customers and I was very pleased not to see an exhaust system was not a part of their new ruling? You see Folks, you can't be heard within 10 feet making any noise and I firmly believe there was a rumor that Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn and Jim Rapp were thinking of relocating to Delmar and they wanted to make damn sure this wouldn't happen. With their big mouths they'd be sure to be arrested and fined daily, so I'm all for the new law.

By the way, as much as I bragged about my taxes on 7.5 acres being only $1,205.00 last year, they dropped to $1,200.00 this year! What happpened to all of you this year in the City of Salisbury? I know in 2007 it's going to go through the roof with a Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn & Gary Comegys Tax Increase.

Car Show At VFW In Delmar

Don't miss this cool Car Show in Delmar! There are door prizes and plenty of cool cars to show the kids. It's going on right now, so don't miss it.